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The event is over… What happens next?

Many of us know that feeling when the last person leaves the event venue after months of preparation, or the feeling when you hit the end button after an hours-long webinar. It can feel like a moment of relief, happiness, sadness, and sometimes even a combination of all of these. But what we must also realize is that the event does not really end here. In fact, an important phase of the event is about to begin: the post-event phase. And what do you do during such a phase? It is important to be active on the event's social media channels. Here are 5 tips on what to do on socials after your event.

Also read about how to engage with attendees

1. Post a thank you message on the socials

It is important to keep in touch with attendees after an event. You can start by thanking them for their attendance and participation. Also, make sure you tag all speakers and key attendees and that you use the right hashtags. They will then hopefully share the posts as well. If possible, include an important photo of the event.

2. Share event photos

As mentioned in our previous article on how to engage with attendees, it is important to take photos during the event. If possible, by a professional photographer who can also edit them in a nice way. If you have taken many photos, post some of them on your website and link to them from your social media channels. You might decide to install a photo gallery on the website where participants can download the photos themselves. This will boost the number of visitors to your website.

3. Share videos, including after movies, and other clips

In addition to a photographer, it is also advisable to hire a videographer. He or she can take videos during the event and turn them into aftermovies, reels, TikTok videos, behind the scenes, you name it. If the event took place online, make sure you make a recording. The most important takeaways from the webinar can then be cut out and re-shared. Easy content but still very effective!

4. Share the key takeaways

During the seminars at the event, it is important that you or someone else takes notes. The key points that were said by the speakers can be re-shared on social media. Create an appealing visual or video with a quote and photo of the speaker and you have a great post. If you want to go all out, you can also decide to have a copywriter create a whitepaper with important information. This is valuable because you can run social media campaigns on it and generate leads.

5. Share testimonials

An essential goal of marketing is to build trust and credibility with your (potential) customers. An effective way to do this is by creating testimonials. This can be done in several ways: (1) take a video of event attendees and have them talk about what they liked about the event, see an example here. this can then be shared later on the socials, (2) or contact event attendees after the event and ask them to share their opinion in text. You can then create a nice visual that can be shared.

The Hague Convention Bureau is helping associations and event organizers access The Hague's knowledge and event infrastructure with many international organizations and companies as well as world-class event locations. Get in touch via conventionbureau@thehague.com to become familiar with our free of charge services.

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