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What are you looking for?

Selected favourites from the venue finder

We are convinced that The Hague is the perfect destination for your corporate or association event. We will be happy to show you why.

Send us your RFP for the selected venues from the venue finder (you can make your selection by clicking on the star) or the Create-Your-Event tool and we will respond with an overview of how our city can address your event's unique challenges and needs.

Conference centre Meeting centre
At The Binck (Saturnus)
Saturnusstraat 21 | 2516 AD The Hague
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Conference centre Theatre
Spuiplein 150 | 2511 DG Den Haag
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AFAS Circustheater
Conference centre
AFAS Circustheater
Circusstraat 4 | 2586 CW The Hague
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