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Peace Palace

Peace & Justice

The Hague has a long history as an international centre of peace and justice. Tens of thousands of people work hard here every day on creating a more peaceful and just world.

The Hague's commitment to Peace and Justice

The Hague is renowned for its commitment to international peace and justice, epitomized by the iconic Peace Palace. Home to the oldest institution for resolving international disputes, the city also houses the International Court of Justice. Over time, it has become a hub for international courts, conferences, and organizations dedicated to promoting peace and upholding the rule of law. Today, The Hague boasts a vibrant ecosystem of 20,000 professionals working across 500 international organizations, NGOs, knowledge institutes, and diplomatic missions, solidifying its status as a global leader in international law and diplomacy. Thousands of international law and governance specialists share their expertise here. The Hague is the second largest UN city after New York and the city strongly emphasises conferences and businesses that implement the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Discover recent stories and news on the Humanity and Rule of Law clusters in the The Hague.

Peace & Justice conferences in The Hague

The Hague is the perfect choice for international conferences that touch on the theme of peace and justice. In The Hague, more than 200 impactful international organisations, knowledge institutions, start-ups and NGOs work towards building a better, safer and more just world every day. The city has also hosted major global events and conferences for many decades. 

Working towards peace and justice in the future, The Hague hosts the International Model United Nations at the World Forum every year.

All these events drew on The Hague’s extensive networks and knowledge infrastructure. 

Download our Peace & Justice factsheet!

United Nations SDGs The Hague
Jeanine Dupigny

Get in touch with us

As peace & justice is one of The Hague’s important topics, the city welcomes events in this field to be organised here and in some cases will even provide subsidies.
Please contact our International Sales Manager Jeanine Dupigny for more information and support in organising your event: j.dupigny@thehague.com.