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The Hague's Legal and Finance Cluster: A Hub of Knowledge and Expertise

The Hague has established itself as a centre of expertise and innovation in the legal and finance sectors. Its extensive network of specialists and its international reputation make it an attractive destination for national and international organisations working in these fields. The city hosts a growing number of organisations in these sectors, cementing its reputation as a vibrant hub of legal and financial activity.

The city is home to several internationally renowned organisations such as the Court of Arbitration, the International Criminal Court, and the Court of Financial Arbitration (P.R.I.M.E. Finance). It has also seen the establishment of new organisations such as The Hague Court of Arbitration for Aviation, a non-profit and modern specialised court of arbitration and centre for mediation for the global aviation industry.  The Hague Hearing Centre, a dedicated arbitration centre for international and commercial cases with working space, facilities for hearings, and access to networks.

The finance sector in The Hague is well-established, with companies in industries such as insurance, asset management, and pension expertise. The city is the preferred location for companies in the finance sector due to its stable environment and knowledge infrastructure. This is backed by The Hague also housing government institutions, regulatory bodies, insurance companies, and major investment banks.

The Hague has a long standing tradition of hosting renowned global events and conferences in the legal and finance fields. These events draw on the city's extensive network and knowledge infrastructure. Some of the legal, finance, and knowledge entities in The Hague include the International Court of Financial Arbitration, the European Patent Office in Rijswijk, the Dutch Patent Centre, the Benelux Office for Intellectual Property, The Hague Institute for Global Justice, the Clingendael Institute, the NATO CIMIC Centre of Excellence, the International Dialogue on Underwater Munitions, and many others.

The Hague's commitment to sustainability extends to the legal and finance sectors and The Hague is committed to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and has integrated sustainability into its decision-making processes. Its dedication to sustainability has made it an attractive destination for organisations and events that share its values, especially those focused on legal and finance.

The Hague's legal and finance cluster is an ideal destination for conferences and events related to these topics. The city's extensive infrastructure and commitment to sustainability make it the perfect choice for those looking to promote legal and financial innovation and make a positive impact on society.


International city of peace and justice The Hague
Peace Palace
The Hague skyline

Get in touch with us

As legal & finance is one of The Hague’s important key sectors, the city welcomes events in this field to be organised here and in some cases will even provide subsidies. Please contact our Convention Bureau of The Hague & Partners for more information and support: conventionbureau@thehague.com

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