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The Hague Convention Bureau hybrid event

Examining the Viability of Hybrid Events Post-Covid

The Hague Convention Bureau moved its digital webinar content to a hybrid format for the first time on 2 July 2020 with 65 “in-person” attendees joining and 160+ online viewers.

In keeping with the switch in format, the event explored the “viability of new meeting methods” and incorporated content such as logistical challenges as well as likely attendance levels at such events and the subsequent financial challenges faced by both organisers and the supply chain.

In particular the event focused on:

  • How financially viable are hybrid or virtual meetings for clients and suppliers?
  • How can we ensure the ROI for delegates?
  • Ensuring we maintain a great event experience.
  • The future of event sponsorship.
The Hague hybrid event
The Hague hybrid event
The Hague hybrid event

Get a feel of the event in 40 seconds

Recording of the webinar

The key takeaway

The key takeaway from the event was the need for everyone to think differently and realize that hybrid and digital events offer an opportunity. If well managed, with the right content, platform and design, they can increase attendance levels and therefore income. As panelist Guillem Torres said:  “We need to consider the balance between the reduction of income related to on-site registrations.  The huge number of potential delegates attending virtual meetings and showing support is key in financial terms. If well-managed the profit could be increased.”

Bas Schot, head of The Hague Convention Bureau said: “It was a real delight to host a live event after so many months of looking through a lens. This event was a demonstration of how well hybrid meetings can work and stood as the perfect case study for the positive conversations taking place between the panelists. The audience was incredibly engaged, the questions and answers as ever were varied and insightful. Thank you to those that joined online as well as those in person.”

The Hague Convention Bureau hybrid event
The Hague hybrid event

Video testimonials from the panel

Carin Smand from European Hematology Association (EHA) has shared insights about virtual and hybrid congresses.
Quality and user experience are the key ingredients of any congress, be it physical, virtual, or hybrid, and the meetings industry can contribute to that.

Vincent Pahlplatz, General Manager at The Hague Marriott about collaboration and The Hague moving quickly into the new balance. Content, creativity and quality will survive.

The Hague meetings and events are opening safely

📍 Discover here how our partner venues in The Hague are adapting to the 1,5-meter rules and an event during the post-pandemic, with virtual tours and factsheets. 

Want to explore the opportunities of organizing your hybrid event in The Hague? We can connect you to our partners in the city.

📧 conventionbureau@thehague.com

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