Legal & Policy expertise
The city’s international reputation and extensive network of specialists has made it attractive for national and international organisations working in legal and finance. Every year sees more organisations being established in the city. The Hague has hosted renowned global events and conferences in this field for many decades.
Organisations in the legal, policy and finance sector
Apart from internationally renowned organisations such as the Court of Arbitration, the International Criminal Court and the Court of Financial Arbitration (P.R.I.M.E. Finance), one noteworthy new organisation to locate here is The Hague Hearing Centre.
The Hague Hearing Centre is a dedicated arbitration centre for international and commercial cases with working space, facilities for hearings and access to networks. On the finance side, industries such as insurance, asset management and pension expertise are well-established in the city. The Hague is the preferred location of companies in the finance sector because of its stable environment and knowledge infrastructure.
The city is the seat of government institutions and regulatory bodies, insurance companies, and major investment banks.
Some of the finance, legal and knowledge entities in The Hague are:
- International Court of Financial Arbitration
- European Patent Office in Rijswijk
- Dutch Patent Centre
- Benelux Office for Intellectual Property
- Hague Institute for Global Justice
- Clingendael Institute
- Wildlife Justice Commission
- Knowledge Platform Security & Rule of Law
- NATO CIMIC Centre of Excellence
- Leiden University Centre for Innovation
- HiiL or The Hague Humanity Hub
- International Dialogue on Underwater Munitions

Get in touch with us
As Legal & Policy is one of The Hague’s important key sectors, the city welcomes events in this field to be organised here and in some cases will even provide subsidies.
Please contact our International Conference Advisor Stuart Payne for more information and support in organising your event at s.payne@thehague.com. We would be pleased to help with finding the right venues, the right speakers and so on.