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Event Design

The Event Design Collective

The Hague offers the opportunity to create the best designed events that create that change by making use of the Event Canvas™ methodology! If you want your stakeholders to invest effort, time and money in an event, you better make it worth it! 

What is Event Design?

The Event Design Canvas methodology allows The Hague's business relations to get more grip on how their own events create value and how to measure success through behavior change. Ultimately through applying the methodology their teams become change makers and confident leaders of event design in their own organisation. 

Check out this video for a short explanation about Event Design. 

event design
David Frielink

Get in touch with us

Are you ready to learn more Event Design? The Hague Convention Bureau can help you implement the Event Canvas Methodology into your next event. For personalized workshops or more information, get in touch with us. Our team is just a call or an email away!