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Hybrid City Alliance


The Hybrid City Alliance was launched on 16 December 2020


Future Proofing the Business Meetings and Events Industry

We are proud to co-launch the Hybrid City Alliance with Ottawa Tourism Business Events and other world-class destinations that share our passion for the future of meetings. Hybrid events are an important way forward for the event industry to return to live formats. Multiple hub meetings are not new and have been taking place for a few years already, from involving a few cities or locations within one country to multiple cities from around the world; from very simple meetings with basic technology to more complex audiovisual productions. 

How does it work?

  1. We envision this at a convention bureau level and we see a Hybrid City Alliance as a way to collectively and individually raise the profile of hybrid options for clients and for our cities. 
  2. We are offering one point of contact solution for the clients who wish to organize a hybrid event. 
  3. We bring together cities with great infrastructure in place that can support hybrid events and have a quick response rate to provide you with an offer on possible venues fitting your criteria and can also bring you in contact with local partners.
  4. We want clients to tap into the collective expertise of the alliance and to give proper advice.
  5. By operating at a convention bureau level, we envisage each bureau individually handling any client requests for hybrid events themselves, in conjunction with their city partners, but using the network to facilitate sharing hybrid solutions for them in other locations.
  6. The client is not obliged to use all cities on the list but can make a selection. 

How does the Hybrid City Alliance serve International Event Organizers?

  • The multiple city hybrid meeting can now be seen as a suitable alternative to online meetings at a time when more face-to-face participation is desired. 
  • It is already known that the hybrid format brings together the benefits of both online and face to face events.
  • Having multiple city hybrid hubs provides an opportunity for regional and international events to take place safely.  

The solution

  • The Hybrid City Alliance offers organizers of international events a solution when organizing multiple city hub events. The city partners in the Alliance are ready to act as one point of contact to streamline and simplify the clients’ interaction with multiple cities regarding one event.  
  • We suggest that you understand the objectives of your event and how these can be achieved using a multiple city hub format.
  • When you are clear about your needs, including for example, how the programme will blend online and face to face audiences; how to allow the hubs to interact with each other, the Hybrid City Alliance stands ready to support a successful implementation.


  1. Step 1:
    Define your multiple hub city requirements. 
    In which cities do you want to have a hub for your event? 
    What do you require from each of these cities.
  2. Step 2: 
    Submit your multiple city hub RFP to your preferred Hybrid City Alliance partner. Your preferred Hybrid City Alliance partner will act as a coordinator with the cities you have requested to collect and compile proposals to be presented to you. 
  3. Step 3: 
    Receive your multi-city hub event proposal. 
    You may continue to engage with your preferred Hybrid City Alliance partner or directly with the CVB in your selected cities. 

For DMOs: What is the Hybrid City Alliance and how does it operate?

The singular objective of the Hybrid City Alliance is to provide a solution to international event organizers seeking to plan their international events safely and choosing to do this using the multiple city hub formats. 

As Convention Bureaus, we are a trusted gateway to our cities and city partner networks. CVBs connecting to provide a tangible solution to clients is at the heart of the Hybrid City Alliance. 

The Hybrid City Alliance partners are: 

We are proud to work with other forward-thinking destinations. Together, we will tackle the challenges the industry faces today and will face in the coming years.

Will you be our next Ally? Make sure to continue reading!

New Cities join alliance Official

Join us and connect to be part of the solution

The Hybrid City Alliance partners are actively seeking out strategic partners to forge together a network alliance of cities to facilitate hybrid events for clients. 

  • Hybrid events and meetings aren’t just temporary solutions, they’re here to stay, and to facilitate them reliably, we have launched the Hybrid City Alliance. 
  • Together with forward-thinking destinations, we will tackle the challenges the industry faces today and will face in the coming years.
  • And now we invite you to be part of the future of the meetings and events Industry. 
  • Join us, in the Hybrid City Alliance.
Banner of the Hybrid City Alliance, ushering people to Join the Alliance

Interested to learn more? Sumbit a Request For Information

Hybrid City Alliance The Hague Convention Bureau
Jeanine Dupigny

Get in touch with us

We are happy to answers all your questions in regards to the Hybrid City Alliance and welcome new partnerships. We are just a call or email away!

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