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Internationaal ondernemen

Key sector expertise


Peace & Justice

The Hague hosted its first international peace congress in 1899 and since then has grown to be the  stage  for international events, proceedings and initiatives in the field of peace and justice. The Hague is the second largest UN city and home to the International Court of Justice and the Peace Palace. More than 19,500 professionals  dedicate their knowledge and skills to this sector, working for some of the world’s most influential institutions such as the Europol, the International Criminal Court and Tribunal, and Eurojust.


IT & Telecom

The Netherlands has an outstanding glass fibre optic infrastructure which allows the country to provide excellent internet to its residents. The advanced IT infrastructure and the self-replenishing pool of talented minds of The Hague makes it an ideal location for foreign and national IT & Telecom companies to settle and to take advantage of modern technology. Some of the best known regional institutions such as the Ministry of Economic Affairs and ACM, (the Dutch Independent post and telecommunications authority) and international companies such as Siemens, T-Mobile, Huawei, and AT&T headquarter here.


Safety & Security

The Hague Security Delta is a network of Dutch Safety and Security services located mainly in The Hague. The network assembles 400 security related organisations who combine knowledge and expertise to contribute to a more secure world. Major international developments and breakthroughs in forensics, national security, critical infrastructure and cyber security originate in this region. The Hague Security Delta collaborates with its regional hubs and due to the interconnected and globalised world, it also shares knowledge and collaborates with many international partners who operate in security sectors in USA, Canada, South Africa, Singapore and other countries.

New energy

Energy & Renewables

The Hague has set a goal for itself to become CO2-neutral city by 2040. The first steps towards achieving this goal have shown promising results. The launch of the Dutch Renewable Energy Foundation in 2015 in The Hague and other institutions. Furthermore, The Hague attracted many research institutes, educational establishments, engineering firms, suppliers and small and medium enterprises in the field of renewable energy. In the field of Oil & Gas global corporations such as Royal Dutch Shell, Aramco Overseas, Total and CB&I are based in the city.


Legal & Finance

The Legal and Finance sector of The Hague accounts for 13,000 jobs. Industries such as insurance, asset management and pension expertise are deeply rooted in the city and The Hague assurances the caution that the sector requires.

The Hague is where the global talents come to make the world a better place. Numerous high-profile companies and many talented minds have been attracted to The Hague and power the strong knowledge infrastructure of the city. The Hague strives for the continuous development of its main knowledge focus areas which are Peace & Justice, IT & Telecom, Energy & Renewables, Safety & Security and Legal & Finance.

Many governing bodies like the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation together with insurance companies such as Aegon International BV and investment banks like ING and Deutsche Bank provide the required stability, expertise and interconnectedness which give the sector its vital and sustainable foundation. The fundamentals of sector are also incorporated by educational facilities like Rotterdam School of Management at Erasmus University which offers world-class degrees in management and finance.

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