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Raad van Toezicht

Supervisory Board

About the supervisory board

The Supervisory Board of The Hague & Partners is tasked with overseeing policy, strategy and the general course of affairs. The SB gives solicited and unsolicited advice and acts as a sounding board and for the management and the MT. The SB consists of four members and is composed of profiles in line with the activities of The Hague & Partners: public-private, financial-economic, international business and marketing & acquisition.

The main duties of the Supervisory Board are:
◆ To supervise the management and the general affairs of the foundation;
◆ Giving solicited and unsolicited advice;
◆ Fulfilling an employer's role towards the management;
◆ Monitoring continuity;
Assessing the functioning of the foundation and the governance model;
◆ Providing information to the municipality of The Hague when requested.

Marjet van Zuijlen

Marjet van Zuijlen - chair

Henk Jagersma

Henk Jagersma

Susanne Stolte

Susanne Stolte

Leonard Geluk

Leonard Geluk

Thirza Pluimer

Questions about the Supervisory Board?

Contact our corporate communication manager