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Den Haag Escher Lange Voorhout

The Hague, Escher's home city, continues with the anniversary celebration of the Netherlands' most famous graphic artist

21 September 2023

The Hague – An Escherian laser show, an experience route full of illusions and a fashion show with clothing inspired by Escher. In 2023, the whole of The Hague will be dedicated to Maurits Cornelis Escher with numerous activities. It is exactly 125 years ago that the Netherlands' most famous graphic artist was born, and the celebration of that anniversary will continue this autumn.

The two major Escher exhibitions in The Hague, Escher – Other World in the Kunstmuseum (now closed) and The Discoverer of Escher: Samuel Jessurun de Mesquita in Escher in Het Paleis (open until October 1), attracted more than 350,000 visitors, many more than expected. This means that the anniversary year is already a success, and many more events are planned.

Laser show

At the end of this week, from Thursday 21 to Sunday 24 September, the Italian artist JesterN will bring Escherian worlds to life in image and sound for the first time in Scheveningen with a live premiere of the laser show BLACKLIGHT canvas' of almost 300 square meters, made from shipping containers placed on the beach, near the beach restaurant Solbeach.

Graphic work

At the end of this month, on Friday September 29, Escher will start today, part of the Perpetuum Mobile project of De Grafische Werkplaats. Seven contemporary makers from The Hague (Bahman Eslami, Paul de Jong, Moe Kim, Miranda Meijer, Annemarie Slobbe and SOGOshow) investigate what 'infinity' means - technically and philosophically - in relation to graphics and Escher's work. The exhibition will be opened during HOOGTIJ, an evening opening of various cultural and artistic institutions in The Hague, with a live performance by Dorien Meijsing.

Original drawings

Two days later, Sunday October 1, the exhibition The Unknown Escher starts in Huis van het Boek. This is an overview of work that Escher made on commission, including original drawings that have never before been seen by the general public. It includes book illustrations, New Year's cards, invitations, program booklets, bookplates, stamps, banknotes and even a complete set of six woodblocks carved by Escher.

Fashion show

The following week, on Thursday October 5, the official opening show of The Fashion Week The Hague will focus on Escher. During 'Fashion On Escher', which takes place in Hotel Des Indes, three talented fashion designers show their latest collections. Katie Tubbing, Studio Hiem and Janne van Wezel were challenged to be inspired by Escher.

Art route

The next day, Friday October 6, is the public opening of a temporary free art route in the Museum Quarter MC's Mindgames. Five designers and artists reflect on Escher's work through various installations in the city center of The Hague. The concept of MC's Mindgames combines the effect of popular Instagram museums with the special aesthetics of presentations at the Salone del Mobile in Milan.


That same day, Friday October 6, there will also be a lecture by Joris Escher from his book Becoming Escher during the art fair ART The Hague in the Fokker Terminal. In it he takes a unique look at the life of his famous great-uncle and takes the reader into Escher's development from a young man to a graphic artist. In this way, Joris makes the genius Escher a touchable and fallible person.

Contemporary metamorphoses

Less than a month later, Friday November 3, Escher opens their second major Escher exhibition of this year, Just like Escher, in Het Paleis. Themes common in Escher's work, impossible objects, masterful metamorphoses and absurdist architecture, are also popular today. The exhibition shows Escher's ideas in contemporary works by Damien Hirst, Iris van Herpen, Chris Ofili and Carlijn Kingma.

Dance performance

As the unofficial conclusion to the anniversary year, The Dutch Don't Dance Division will perform a special dance performance in Amare during the dark days around Christmas, Alice in Escherland, from Monday 25 December. In this atmospheric dance performance, Alice meets peculiar characters who take her into absurd scenes. Escher's optical illusions and symmetry come to life in both the set and the choreographies.

For more information and tickets go to denhaag.com/escher.

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