Audience research/cultural target group model
Audience research Cultural sector
The Hague & Partners started conducting the Culture Sector Audience Survey in 2020 on behalf of the Hague municipality. This survey helps organisations understand which audiences they reach and where they come from. This way, we can also map the collective cultural reach of the city of The Hague. Who do we collectively already reach in The Hague with the offering, and who do we not (yet) reach? The survey also provides insight into the differences in reach between different types of cultural sectors (e.g. museums, theatre, producing etc.) and in different neighbourhoods/areas. The survey is conducted annually and is free of charge for participating parties. So there is always a recent insight of the reach and we can track progress.
You can read and view the latest report on the collective reach of the entire cultural sector of The Hague here.
Culturele Doelgroepenmodel
This audience research is based on the Cultural Target Group Model developed by Rotterdam Festivals. This is a segmentation method specifically for cultural participation in the cultural sector, which provides insight into life stage, demographics, socio-economic characteristics, media and internet use, cultural interests and behaviour, among other things. The model is widely supported nationwide by Rotterdam, Utrecht, Amsterdam and The Hague, among others.
The Cultural Target Groups Model divides audiences into groups, based on cultural preferences and behaviour. The model distinguishes three main groups: Intensive, Medium and Light. Within these are 11 Cultural Target Groups, with names such as Cultural Omnivores, Proving Suburbanites and Local Leisure Enjoyers. The Cultural Target Groups Model provides insight into relevant data on the target groups, such as average age, household size, music tastes, art attendance, spending space and ideal weekend fulfilment. It shows what the motives are for coming, or what thresholds certain groups have for not coming.
All households in the Netherlands can be linked to one of the Cultural Target Groups by means of an address. The participating cultural organisations themselves supply the necessary audience data, after which all their visitors can be classified in a Cultural Target Group.
Detailed descriptions of the 11 Cultural Target Groups can be found here. A similar brochure, but focused on The Hague, can be viewed here.
For whom?
For all cultural organisations in The Hague.
By participating in the survey, organisations will receive an individual report with information about the audience they reach and potential audiences that they could reach even more. This way, the report provides tools to make choices in the field of programming or marketing and communication.

Would you like to participate or need more information?