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The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive

CSRD webinar

The European Commission (EC) adopted a proposal for a Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) that should radically improve the existing reporting requirements of the EU’s Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD). The CSRD covers all relevant Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) elements and aims to increase investments in truly sustainable activities across the European Union.

                                         WATCH THE RECORDING 

This webinar, powered by The Hague & Partners, will provide you with insights on what the CSRD will require in terms of action, what challenges most organizations face in complying with the Directive, and how to best prepare for the forthcoming reporting requirements.

The directive will apply to the following companies:

  • All large companies (2 out of 3 criteria met)
    • Revenues > EUR 40 million
    • Total assets > EUR 20 million
    • > 250 employees
  • All companies with listed securities on EU-regulated markets, except micro-undertakings
  • Listed SMEs, small and medium-sized enterprises benefit from +3 years for implementation


The Key speakers:

  • Koen Eising -  CSR Director, Alliander NV
  • Han Hindriks – Senior Manager ESG Assurances, Sustainability Team, Deloitte


Philip Mulder

Get in touch with Philip

If you have any questions regarding content of this webinar, please contact Philip - p.mulder@thehague.com or phone M +31686843715

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