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Terms and Conditions

These are the terms and conditions for use of the website of The Hague & Partners, Company Number KVK Haaglanden 2718 7120. Contact details appear at the end of these Terms.

1. Use of Web Site on These Conditions

All use of the web site businessagency.thehague.com ("the Site") is on the terms and conditions below. If you do not agree to these conditions cease use of the Site immediately.

You may print and keep a copy of these Terms. This is a legally binding agreement between us and the Site users and can only be modified with our consent. We reserve the right to change the Terms at our discretion by changing them on the Site.

Services offered on the Site, are provided by The Hague & Partners, or its partners. In the case of the former, they comprise a contract between the user and our partner, not The Hague & Partners. Although The Hague & Partners uses its reasonable endeavours to ensure reputable suppliers are used on the Site, it accepts no liability arising from supplies by such partners. All such sales are on the terms and conditions of the partner which can be accessed from their respective website. 

2. Accuracy of Information

The Hague & Partners ("we") do our best to ensure all information on the Site is accurate. If you find any inaccurate information on the Site, let us know and we will correct it, where we agree in due time. You should independently verify any information before relying upon it.

We make no representations that information is accurate and up to date or complete and accept no liability for any loss or damage caused by inaccurate information. This Site gives a large amount of data and there will inevitably be errors in it, particularly because dates and times of events change and cancellations occur. You are advised to check directly with the organizers of the event concerned before making any arrangements.

3. Our Liability

We provide information on this Site free of any charge and on the basis of no liability for the information given. In no event shall we be liable to you for any direct or indirect or consequential loss, loss of profit, revenue or goodwill arising from your use of the Site or information on the Site. 

We are a distributor (and not a publisher) of content supplied by third parties and users of the Site. Any opinions, advice, statements, services, offers, or other information or content expressed or made available by third parties, including information providers or users, are those of the authors or distributors and not of us. We do not necessarily endorse nor are we responsible for the accuracy or reliability of any opinion, advice or statement made on the Site.

4. General

Any formal legal notices should be sent to us at the address at the end of these Terms by email confirmed by post.

Further information

The Hague & Partners, Company Number KVK Haaglanden 2718 7120, is the official organisation for the promotion of The Hague as a business city, funded by the municipality of The Hague.


The Hague & Partners contact details

The Hague & Partners
Prinses Beatrixlaan 582
2595BM The Hague
The Netherlands
VAT registration number: NL809 542 754 B01
T: +31 70 3618888

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