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Ongoing investments and funding are vital for innovation and business growth. Here in The Hague, established financial industry with major multinationals headquartered in the city - Nationale-Nederlanden, Aegon, MN Services, NIBC and FMO, make up a solid foundation for a healthy business climate critical for the startups and business success.


Sustainability and impact investments

Sustainability and impact investments are growing fields in the Netherlands and in The Hague. Dutch financial sector is playing an important role in driving impact investments, with banks increasing their focus on social impact and sustainability, and most prominently, the pension sector in adopting the SDGs and adding the potential of significantly increasing the size of this sector. Many financial and non-financial institutions are increasing their role through specific activities such as the IKEA Social Entrepreneurship Initiative, Philips Foundation and Achmea Foundation.

The Sustainable Development Goals is the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. They address the global challenges we face, including those related to poverty, inequality, climate, environmental degradation, prosperity, and peace and justice. The Goals interconnect in order to leave no one behind, it ís important that we achieve each Goal and target by 2030. 

Immediate access to this network of established business and government organisations as well as institutional investors such as FMO, NIBC and BNG and smaller asset managers located all in one place makes our city’s a great place to do business.

Research & Innovation

FinTech sector is represented by a fast-growing incubator within TU Delft - The Yes!Delft. They aim at improving the FinTech industry with new technologies such as blockchain.

ImpactCity is a startup and scale-up community of The Hague, helping innovative entrepreneurs to start successfully and to grow their business, is supported by many the Dutch government as well as many business national and international partners.

Visit our page with the full list of Services we provide for more information.

Key Facts & Figures

employees in finance

Impact investing in The Hague

Daisy Tjin A Lien

Got a question?

Speak directly with our Finance Expert, Daisy Tjin A Lien at D.TjinALien@thehague.com

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