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Webinar #4

Webinar 4 recording

Successful Strategies for Overcoming the COVID-19 Crisis

📆 17 June 2020  | WEBINAR RECORDING |

The Hague & Partners has broadcasted their fourth webinar about the successful strategies for overcoming the COVID-19 Crisis with the speakers:

  1. Saskia Bruines - Deputy Mayor The Hague for Economic Affairs, International Affairs and Municipal Services
  2. Laurens Kok – Head of Foreign Investments
  3. Henk Kool – Chairman of the Economic Board The Hague

In this webinar

  • Economic Vision of The Hague city 2030
  • Global Trends in Direct Foreign Investments and emergingg business opportunities
  • Latest developments and updates from The Hague Economic Board


Our webinars are also available in the podcast format - click here to listen to the podcast.

Download full transcript of webinar here

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