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The Hague: A Hotspot For Any Cybersecurity Business

Almost daily, a tech start-up or cybersecurity business is being set up in The Hague, Netherlands. Indeed, this is not surprising, given the dangers that cybercrime poses, and the urgency to fight malicious attempts that target the computer systems that power our world. In this article, we will examine why The Hague, Netherlands has become a hotspot for the establishment of any cybersecurity business.

Read more about ImpactFest here


A cybersecurity business is relevant anywhere in the world, but more so in the Netherlands. As the world continues to rely heavily on technology to enhance many parts of its daily processes, the threat of cyber attacks will only grow grimmer, thereby making the cybersecurity industry attract more of the smartest founders and fastest capital, particularly in tech hubs like The Hague.

To highlight just how vulnerable many governments, corporations, and individuals are to cyberattacks, let’s reel off some of the statistics: Every minute, $2.9 million is lost to cybercrime; the healthcare industry lost up to $25 billion to ransomware attacks in 2019; and cybercrime is projected to cost the world $10.5 trillion annually by 2025.

And, because a cyberattack is defined as any unauthorized access to a computer, computer networks or computer systems to manipulate, steal or destroy the data in these systems, everyone who uses a computer is truly at risk — including you and me.

This is exactly where the Netherlands and more specifically The Hague comes in to help.

Why The Hague, Netherlands Is An Ideal Destination For A Cybersecurity Business

The Hague is a growing start-up capital of Europe, boasting more than 1,500 startups and consistently ranking as one of the top five fastest-growing tech hubs in Europe.t is no coincidence that The Hague has been nicknamed “Impact City”.

In The Hague, many bold, curious, and young at heart people make it their life’s mission to solve some of the most complicated cybersecurity problems facing the world while leveraging the city's unique opportunities.

These are some of the strong  reasons why establishing a cybersecurity business in The Hague is an ideal destination for many entrepreneurs:

  • Finance -

A major reason why many startups fail is the lack of access to finance. However, by establishing your cybersecurity business in The Hague, you take a step towards avoiding that major factor in not succeeding, Netherlands, you can be indemnified against this eventuality. This is because The Hague has an established financial sector that is ready to bankroll viable financial investments, even in niche tech sectors like cybersecurity.

In The Hague, the headquarters of multinational financial institutions like the Nationale-Nederlanden, Aegon, MN Services, NIBC and, FMO constitute a high-powered capital network that can bankroll any fledgling cybersecurity business till it turns a profit.

  • Soft Landing Training -

Nothing shows how committed a city is to entrepreneurship like the programme it creates for its start-ups, in The Hague the “Digital Soft Landing Programme” is one of those such examples.

Through an immersive four-step process, The Hague has developed a “Digital Soft Landing Programme” aimed at preparing high-impact innovation startups for their expansion to Europe, through The Hague.

Under the program, a digital fact-finding trip helps curious founders to "explore" The Hague, while the softlanding training helps them to adjust to the city. The matchmaking program helps entrepreneurs in The Hague to connect and the ecosystem integration program helps to integrate.

  • Access and integration into the Ecosystem

For any business, especially in the cybersecurity industry, access to the market and ecosystem are critical success factors. The Hague, has partnered with The Hague Security Delta (HSD), a unique and one of the largest security networks in Europe, providing the startups and businesses with seamless integration into The Hague ecosystem, using the Impact City programme of the municipality of The Hague.

At the Impact City programme, a cybersecurity business will get to have intense collaboration with knowledge partners, such as World Startup and The Hague Tech, and innovation hubs within the city. 

  • The Hague Security Delta

The Dutch Security Delta, also called "The Hague Security Delta", is a network of many established businesses, government, and knowledge institutions that closely work together on knowledge development and innovation in security-related matters.

The biggest advantage of this network is that as a cybersecurity business in The Hague,, you will get to access to the knowledge of the largest cyber security network in Europe and get to collaborate with other relevant institutions that are concerned with fighting cybercrimes and strengthening cybersecurity around the world.

  •  ImpactFest

The most attractive networking event for cybersecurity businesses in The Hague is the yearly ImpactFest conference. 

In 2019, over 1,600 people registered to participate in the ImpactFest conference. At the conference, key change-makers in tech come together to chart a course for achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and creating a better world through technology.

The Hague has been named the ImpactCity, and more than 30,000 people in The Hague use innovative technologies daily to create a better world for humanity under the motto "doing good and doing business".


The facts do truly speak for themselves. The Hagueis undoubtedly the city of choice for anyone who wants to invest, expand, or set up a business in cybersecurity.

To establish your business in The Hague, Netherlands, you can contact an adviser at The Hague Business Agency on +31 70 2048810

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