Simple, but Powerful
SuperSola is bit by bit giving power back to people - literally.
SuperSola is transforming the energy market from their home in The Hague. As the founders of this solar panel company live in The Hague, it made it a perfect location for them to scale-up. But the advantages go well beyond just convenience. One such advantage was the ability to join the recent UNConference by YES!Delft focused on scale-ups, where we had the opportunity to learn about their journey from their Managing Director, Matthijs Buijs.
Solar panels are offered by companies and installers and it is a daunting decision to make that is both expensive and time consuming. SuperSola does not think this needs to be the case. They offer a ‘plug and play’ solar panel that “you just buy online or in a retail store, and which you set up yourself,” shared Matthijs. Their goal of helping consumers transition to solar energy is becoming a reality. Their panels can be placed anywhere from your roof to your shed, as long as there is a socket that they can be plugged into, they will start producing electricity from day one. The Hague is their perfect homebase as it provides a wide range of talented people, an international environment that fits their ambitions, and as Matthijs added, “we are really an energy and sustainability company, we see that there’s lots of similar companies in this region as well … Together we form somewhat of a solar energy ecosystem wave of companies. With combined powers we can help each other.”
For Matthijs, joining the UNConference was intriguing because of the unique set up of the event. It is based on the idea of entrepreneurs helping entrepreneurs, instead of having speakers and lacking interactivity. “It’s a different kind of energy” he said, when comparing UNConference with other conventions he has attended. Mentioning that it is more focused in finding common challenges with other companies and sharing advice to help collectively empower each organisation. He found inspiration while discussing different topics and received feedback on his ideas which led to gaining more confidence and motivation to follow through on them. In addition to that, he was able to create new relationships with peers that can help him simply by sharing knowledge and advice.
Matthijs’ advice for other scale-ups is to be present at conferences like UNConference. It is an environment for innovative ideas and contemplation, which is more difficult when remaining in the bubble within your own company. Are you looking to join future UNConferences or are you looking to see what The Hague and the greater Metropool region have to offer? Our business advisors are here to help your company find their place within our growing ecosystem.