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Opportunities for NGOs and International Organisations in The Hague

Widely known as the International City of Peace and Justice, The Hague has put much effort into creating an enabling ecosystem for cross-sector collaboration. Every day, over 30.000 people come together to work on solutions for a better, safer and more just world. The City of The Hague is proud and delighted to welcome organisations who contribute to this mission.

NGO webinar

This webinar took place on October 7th. If you missed live session, you can access the video recording here.

The goal of this webinar was to introduce the Peace & Justice sector in The Hague.

Who was this webinar for?

  • NGOs who would like to explore The Hague as a potential location for their European office
  • Organisations who are working on innovative solutions to address the global challenges and seek to connect with like-minded people
  • Organisations currently based in the UK who wish to remain in the EU post-Brexit

Topics covered: 

  • A brief history of the International City of Peace &Justice (City of The Hague)
  • The Hague ecosystem as a breeding ground for innovative actors (Humanity Hub)
  • Incorporation, structure and taxation - key steps for setting up an entity in the Netherlands (Briddge Legal & Finance
  • The role of The Hague & Partners and how we can help


  • Pepijn Zaagman, Policy Advisor, International Affairs Department, Municipality of The Hague
  • Jill Wilkinson, Director, The Hague Humanity Hub
  • Marc Dunnewijk, Senior Partner, Briddge Legal & Finance

Host and moderator:

  • Diana Eggleston, Business Advisor Impact Economy & NGO

Diana Eggleston

Got a question?

Speak directly with our NGO expert Diana via d.eggleston@thehague.com

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