Cyber Security
The Hague has a vast network of cyber security companies and government and knowledge institutions that form a solid cluster working on innovative cyber security solutions and knowledge development.
The Hague has established itself as a major hub for cyber security in Europe. This is demonstrated by the presence of the European Cybercrime Centre Europol (EC3), the National Cyber Security Centre, NATO Communications and Information Agency and a wide range of cyber security businesses.

Peace, justice and security go hand in hand, therefore it is no surprise that The Hague Security Delta, home to the largest (cyber) security cluster in Europe, is based here.
In this cluster – with important regional hubs in The Hague, Twente, and Brabant – businesses, government, and knowledge institutions work together on innovations and research in the field of cybersecurity, national and urban security, protection of critical infrastructure, and forensics. They share a common goal: more business activity, more jobs and a secure world.
Key national and international cybersecurity organisations in The Hague:
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