Oliver Wykes
COO at WindEurope (since 2015) and Board Member at AC Forum (since 2021).
Voordat Oliver bij WindEurope kwam, werkte hij als operations management consultant in verschillende sectoren (bankwezen, telecommunicatie, consumentengoederen en gezondheidszorg). WindEurope is de stem van de Europese windenergie-industrie. Met meer dan 500 leden vertegenwoordigt WindEurope de volledige keten van windenergie op land en op zee in Europa.
WindEurope is the voice of the European wind energy industry. It represents the whole value chain of onshore and offshore wind across Europe with more than 500 members. It engages Governments and other stakeholders on policy and regulation - and the role of wind in Europe’s climate and energy security. It organises industry exhibitions, conferences and workshops. And it coordinates publicly-funded R&D in wind. Prior to WindEurope, Oliver worked as Operations management consultant in various sectors (Banking, Telecom, Consumer Goods and Healthcare).